Sculpture / Papier Mache’ Tiger Lesson Plan
7th grade
8 / 1.75 - hour classes
Students will use spatial intelligence and critical thinking to generate a 3D work of art from a 2D reference. Students will gain an understanding of pattern making and how a 2D pattern can be used to create a 3D work of art.
Need for purpose - Talk about how this skill can be used to build characters for stop-motion animation, personal art, mobiles, figurines etc. Ask students how else this skill can be used.
Need for autonomy – Allow students to create a unique design, add extra appendages, like an extra tail or a backpack. Students will be encouraged to create an exciting unique surface design. Check in with individual students to give positive feedback. Phrase comments with suggestions for success.
Need to belong – Greet students at the door, say hello. Ask students how they are doing. As the lesson plan progresses, ask students if they have ideas/plans/sketches they would like to share. Let students who want to sit together sit together. Allow for harmless socialization.
Need for mastery – Go over rubric at the beginning of the lesson so students are clear about how to get the best grade possible.
The intention of the lesson is to create a Paper Mache´ tiger with an exciting unique surface design.
scissors / x-acto
tracing paper
pencil / eraser
lion print-out
masking tape
dish tubs of water on each table
paint brush
Class 1: Open the lesson plan and look at the instructions. Discuss possible surface designs or possible changes to the pattern. Trace lion body parts and cross sections onto cardboard and cut out.
Write your name on each piece of the pattern. Wrap in a paper envelop and store for next class.
Class 2 and 3: Continue cutting out pattern. Write your name on each piece of the pattern as they are finished being cut. Assemble structure and glue / tape until all pattern parts are together.
See photo gallery below.
Class 3 and 4: Roll newsprint paper and tape onto structure to create form. See photo gallery below.
Class 5 and 6: Glue strips of newsprint paper onto form to create a surface. Allow to dry completely.
Class 7 and 8: Decorate your tiger with acrylic paint.
Tiger print-outs to use for pattern making.
Picture Step - by - Step Demonstration Gallery

Trace the tiger face on cardboard and cut out. Make slits to fit the front and side view together.

Front and side face pattern fitted together.

Trace the tiger face on cardboard and cut out. Make slits to fit the front and side view together.
Students will be instructed to begin cleaning 12 minutes before the dismissal bell by wrapping all loose parts of their pattern in a paper envelop for storage. Water will be disposed, and dish tubs will be cleaned along with glue, paint, and paintbrushes. All other tools will be returned to storage.
Assesssment Rubric: